Final UX Specification for mTBILL Product Page (Invest/Redeem Module)

Executive Summary

This specification details the design and functionality for the Invest/Redeem module of the mTBILL Product page. The module allows users to invest in and redeem mTBILL tokens using USDC, with options for setting slippage tolerance, choosing between instant and standard transactions, and displaying key transaction details. This document consolidates all decisions made during the design process and provides a clear guideline for implementation.

1. Invest/Redeem Module Structure

A. Main Fields

  1. "You Pay" Field:
  2. "You Receive" Field:
  3. Main Action Button:

B. Settings Tooltip

  1. Access:
  2. Slippage Tolerance Section:
  3. Transaction Type Section:

C. Information Display Below the Action Button (Gray Section)

  1. Layout:
  2. Content:

2. Implementation Notes