Transaction History Table

Transaction Type Date Status Chain From To Exchange Rate Transaction Hash
Instant Mint MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM Completed Ethereum USDC: 100 ($100) mTBILL: 95 ($95) 1 USDC = 0.95 mTBILL 0xabc123...789
Instant Redeem MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM Completed Ethereum mTBILL: 95 ($95) USDC: 100 ($100) 1 mTBILL = 1.05 USDC 0xdef456...012
Mint MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM Requested Ethereum USDC: 200 ($200) mTBILL: Waiting for process completion Waiting for process completion Request: 0xghi789...345
Mint MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM Completed Ethereum USDC: 200 ($200) mTBILL: 190 ($190) 1 USDC = 0.95 mTBILL Request: 0xghi789...345 <br> Process: 0xjkl012...678
Redeem MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM Requested Ethereum mTBILL: 190 ($190) USDC: Waiting for process completion Waiting for process completion Request: 0xjkl789...012
Redeem MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM Completed Ethereum mTBILL: 190 ($190) USDC: 200 ($200) 1 mTBILL = 1.05 USDC Request: 0xjkl789...012 <br> Process: 0xklm345...678

Field Descriptions:

  1. Transaction Type:
  2. Date:
  3. Status:
  4. Chain:
  5. From:
  6. To:
  7. Exchange Rate:
  8. Transaction Hash:

Example Scenarios:

  1. Instant Mint (Completed):
  2. Instant Redeem (Completed):
  3. Mint (Requested):
  4. Mint (Completed):
  5. Redeem (Requested):
  6. Redeem (Completed):

This revised structure should provide a clear and comprehensive view of all transactions, tailored to your specific requirements. Let me know if there's anything else you'd like to refine!